Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Referring to Vagaries' forecast for Friday...This Friday ( 12th) evening Sat image: Friday Rains in NE Madhya Pradesh and adjoining UP ..Pockets of heavy rain in Odisha also seen
Posted Wednesday 10th Night:

Mumbai: Several parts of city get heavy passing showers in the day. Mumbai can get around 20-25 mms on Thursday 11th. Rains frequency less on Friday.
Pune will be partly cloudy with very light rains in parts .

Delhi NCR: Thursday 11th and Friday 12th will be partly cloudy with the odd showers in the vicinity. Showers more prominent in many parts on Saturday 13th.

An trough runs from the SW coast of Gujarat through SE Rajasthan and then North-Eastwards.Due to the trough in the upper air, I see more rains in West UP and plains Utterakhand.
Plains of HP will get some pockets of showers on Thursday and Friday. Saturday will see only the local clouding.

As a result of the upper air trough, rains continue in SE and East Rajasthan through MP. Heavy North-East MP and adjoining West UP on Thursday and Friday. Decreasing on Friday.
Light rains in madhya Maharashtra, Interior Karnatak and Konkan.
Light showers along coastal AP and Odisha. Interior Odisha gets the odd heavy shower.
Some showers popping up in extreme North Pakistan. 

In Maharashtra, the night temperatures fell in some pockets. Osmanabad in Marathwada saw a low of 17.1c and Amraoti in Vidharbh 17.2c on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday Evening:..Delhi NCR experienced rains as forecasted in Sunday's Post...or at least many Parts of it...Reports of heavy rain in Gurgaon from Sahil and Meerut from Vineet. Yesterday too Arpit mentions of Rain..
Pics of Udaipur and Baroda on Interactive Page..


Rajesh said...

Top 5 country Visitors of Vagaries in last 12 hrs ended 11.30 pm IST Wednesday
India 968
United States 154
Pakistan 79
Spain 58
Ukraine 37

Vinod Desai said...

Mumbai Did not receive the expected 100+ mm in last 2-3 days but yes Thane District close to Gujarat and Nashik Received very Good Rainfalls.

sset said...

Centre should also conduct research for repeated NEM failures over SE India/Sri Lanka ... much of which is due to extended SWM and monsoon becoming more vigorous over GUJ/RAJ every passing year - correlation needs to be studied.

Anonymous said...

sir what about withdrawal please update when monsoon is going to withdraw kindly update

Kalukilesh said...

I can see people objectively arguing with SSET with facts and figures on rains in South India. All I can say is - "Wish you all the best" fellows

Krishna said...


only last two years NEM was a failure before that 7 years of normal or excess rain. we have to wait n watch this year.

My observation depressions are best for TN and south coast AP to get rainfall ,if it intensifies to a cyclone 90% of the time it misses tn and south coast AP. It only hits the North coast or orissa.

BTW chennai annaual rainfall apart from last year is very much on the normal level. infact three years back IMD revised the annual normal figure by +10cms.

Hoping for early setting of NEM...


Abhijit Modak said...

Vagaries SWM Contest for September 2014 entries filling deadline extended by 2 days as weekend holiday there so whoever were busy on weekdays will get more 48hrs for preparation of entries. Now please all try to participate in the contest as it is an last month of SWM 2014 contest. So last date for submitting entries is 14 Sept 2014 till 11.59pm IST.

Rajesh said...

We have 264 memnbers in this group and another 300 on the blog...yet majority are shy of entering the contests....come on, send your entries...

Rajesh said...

We have 264 members in this group and another 300 on the blog...yet majority are shy of entering the contests....come on, send your entries...

Unknown said...

jacobabad sindh 00 mm in all monsoon season. larkana 4 mm. most of sindh under 10 mm. khi also under 50mm. so bad monsoon for sindh. whats the reason?

  23rd Morning: