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Anticyclone indicates first indications of SWM Withdrwal Signs in Sindh.
Anticyclone indicates first indications of SWM Withdrwal Signs in Sindh.
Vagaries© of the written by rajesh kapadia.concentrating on meteorology of the Indian sub continent and extreme world weather since 55 years For Any Information taken from here, due credit must be given to Vagaries.
15th Evening Post: BB-10 , Deep depression remained as D.D. for 12 hrs over G.West Bengal... Creating a strong gush of Westerlies (towards t...
what is happening to Bangalore. Total rain since june is only 250mm-300mm. September suppose to be rainiest month - but almost no significant rain (only 5 mm). It is highly unlikely that BANG will catch with its annual rain of 850mm - resulting in drought.
sset: why did you not enter the rain contest ?
Khyati: Thunder showers in Mumbai due to withdrawal movememnts
Khyati: Thunder showers in Mumbai due to withdrawal movememnts
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