1st May
April weather facts
Heat ! Heat ! Why always highlights on only the Heat...many regions in the North and NW plains are getting pleasantly better weather...see weather without impartiality
Vagaries© of the weather.blog written by rajesh kapadia.concentrating on meteorology of the Indian sub continent and extreme world weather since 55 years For Any Information taken from here, due credit must be given to Vagaries.
Posted 18th Afternoon: Mumbai : Much hear say about rains increasing, cyclones coming in end of September ! Vagaries ' outlook for 18...
Eagerly waiting for Monsoon Watch 3.
Andhra boiling...
As usual India hottest driest places southeast India
Nellore 47c
Tirupati 46c
In the past 5 years heat waves are decreasing over gujarat Rajasthan with more excess rains but heat waves increasing over southern India with droughts.
Is it because of strong western disturbances???
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