Sunday, October 29, 2023

Mumbai Special

What is "Heat Dome "?Explained in Weather Knowledge Page-50 

29th October Posting: 

Mumbai Special 

Mumbai is now seeing the brunt of the infamous Mumbai "post monsoon October heat". On 22nd October, Mumbai's day time temperature recorded was 37.4°c, the months highest this year. From 16th October this year, Mumbai has been hot at over 35c everyday. Last few days, we are seeing the days hotter than the normal average.

However,  the highest ever recorded in October is 38.6°c 0n 17th October 2015.

As the Monsoon Withdraws,  the South Westerly winds  (Monsoon winds) immediately change direction, and become hot inland East winds. As the winds are easterly from the land, the cooler sea breeze typical of Mumbai, is restricted.  Hence the day gets warmer.

Seeing the present and forthcoming weather expected changes. Mumbai can expect the weather to take a nip in the air after 10th November. 

For Mumbai, currently the temperature day night range is 36 -22°c. Next few days can expect the nights to remain around 21-23•range at night. For Mumbai, below 20°c is a nip. So we can expect it to "chill" below 20°c around the Divali days.

Since the monsoon bid the city "good Bye", the pollution level sand the air quality has been technically termed as "poor", that is the Air Quality Index, ( AQI -measured taking into consideration all the polluting factors) is around 170-200. This is bound to happen, seasonally, as the strong Monsoon winds are no more blowing off the pollutants, and thus the stationary trapped air, accumulates the smog for several days. Lately, last few days, with the winds gearing up, we see the AQI levels dropping slightly.

1 comment:

sset said...

Mumbai badly requires sunlight
From June to end September continues rains.
Winter strikes in November, persist till March followed by pre-monsoon...

Infact last few years mumbai was missing October sun. This year fortunate to have.

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