Saturday, February 08, 2020

Posted 8th February Afternoon:

Extremely  Low Day temperatures in the region marked. This was due to rain showers in the region due to interaction of NW winds with east winds.

Sunday 9th  - Wednesday 12th:
North West India will see gusts of NW winds continuing. Thus temperatures remaining low ,below normal, in the region. 
Delhi will not see large change from current weather till Wednesday. Rise and warmer after Wednesday.

Sunday 9th Feb-Wednesday 12th Feb:
Mumbai: Pleasant weather at 28-16 range now, will end from Sunday 9th. Gradually warming up from Sunday, day and night, till Wednesday 12th. Day will be hotter by 5c to 33/34c.
Outer townships in the East will see hotter days of around 35c or more.

Pune: Rising trend in the weather from Sunday 9th. The 11s and 12s will give way to 17s and 18s. 

1 comment:

sset said...

Taken from KEA blog
NEM Rainfall decreasing in last 3 decades for chennai (Avg)
1990 to 1999 - 91.8cms
2000 to 2009 - 88.3cms
2010 to 2019 - 73.14cms
Consequences will be disastrous for south east India. Main culprit is SWM which is increasing its duration from june-nov and new rare events like extreme +ve IOD all this factors tends to keep monsoon axis from sliding down, no system over Bay but systems over Arabian sea even during oct-dec.
With no trees, no lakes, decreasing rains Bangalore soon will become most un-livable city. Navi Mumbai,Mumbai,Pune ranks best in terms of highest number of trees and bird species. Maha tops in tree plantation - 50 crore trees planted in 3 years.

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