Monday, January 06, 2020

Posted Monday 6th January

For North India...after a Cold December

J-2, Western Disturbance, arrives and precipitation will commence today in Kashmir, Ladakh, H.P, Uttarakahnad , Punjab , Haryana, Delhi and North Rajasthan.
Rains likely in Delhi on Monday thru Wednesday.

Precipitation spreading Eastwards tomorrow.

Jabalpur and East M.P. will get showers on Wednesday.
Showers again in Nagpur on 8th Wednesday.

UAC off the Karnataka Coast now formed....
Mumbai/Pune: Expect Partly cloudy skies from tomorrow..... will get partly cloudy on Tuesday and Wednesday, resulting in rise in night temperatures.
Nights expected to get cooler and nip in the air from 9th Thursday.

Nights expected to get cooler in Gujarat from 9th.

International  News:
Greenland just set a new all-time record low temperature. Not only for January 2, not only for the entire month of January, not only at Summit Station, but for anywhere across the island, and for any month of the year.
Summit Camp, also known as Summit Station, is a year-round research station on the apex of the Greenland Ice Sheet. It is located some 10,500 ft (3,200 m) above sea level, and it’s data is often cited by climate alarmists claiming “Greenland Is Melting Away Before Our Very Eyes” and other such nonsense…
Adding to the list of temperature measurements those alarmists will likely ignore -or won’t even get to hear about given the mainstream media’s warm-bias- is Summit Camp’s preliminary low of -86.8F (-66C) set at 11:13 PM on January 02, 2020.
The reading, once confirmed by the DMI, will enter the books as Greenland’s coldest-ever recorded temperature-not only at Summit Camp, and not only in January, but of anywhere across the island, and of any month of the year.
Thanks to tomOmason and Benjamin Napier for this link


Salim Ramani , Jabalpur said...

Rajesh Sir
As per ur forecast many places in East M.P got showers on Wednesday including jabalpur city .
Thanks for regular updates

JR said...

No cold records were broken at the GEO-Summit station, nor in Greenland, let alone in the northern hemisphere. This information is incorrect. Even the value of -66.0°C recorded on 2 January 2020 at GEO-Summit is suspect.

 Resultant rains in Chattisgarh 👇