Friday, January 31, 2020

Posted Friday 31st January Morning:

As the series of January WDs ( 9/10 in all) move away, we have seen very good rainfall in NW and Northern India. 
East winds interacting with the WDs also gave rains to Odisha, M.P. and Chattisgarh and parts of West Bengal and Vidharbh in Jan. 27.9 mms of average all India rains in January 2020..another weather phenomena.
Ideal weather for a bumper Rabi crop. Wheat will benefit most with good precipitation and low temperatures.
Some rainfall will occur in Odisha next few days due to a North/South trough from W.Bengal- Odisha.
Strong NE winds in Saurashtra on 1st/2nd Feb.
Western Disturbance F-1 approaching Northern India Sub Continent on 4th Feb

Days remain warm over the Southern Peninsula ..With Madurai (T.N.) recording 36.6c on 30th.

Mumbai /Pune Forecast till 3rd Feb::
So Mumbai got the anticipated "Pleasant"weather, with the Lowest  (this spell) falling to 13.6c at Scruz and 16c at Colaba.on 30th. (Need to recheck on Colaba official reading of 31st Jan. Not considered for now).
Now, from Friday 31st Jan - Monday 3rd Feb: , Mumbai will see a gradual rise in night temperatures. The "cold" effect will decrease as the minimum rises from 14c to around 18/19c. However days will remain moderately comfy  and sunny at around 30/31c.

Pune: The moderate cold spell (11c) is over as the nights rise to 15c. Days getting warmer.


Atul P Naik said...

Excellent analysis and info. Thank you very much.

NilaY Wankawala said...

Rajesh sir great work- pleasure to read your blog covering Mumbai Winters and of course northen India when WDs are active -

sset said...

Soon Anantapur Rayalseema will touch 45c - heat wave. Bangalore will boil to 39-40c. Already summer set.

 Resultant rains in Chattisgarh 👇