Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Economic Times 11th November:Our Vagaries ...


Rohit Aroskar said...

Congrats to all Vagarians

sset said...

In vedas we have saying - "vidwan sarvatra pujyati" - "person who has knowledge is worshiped by all and is humble" - Rajesh sir is among them.

Cumulus arjun said...

Congrats all vagarians! Keep it up!

Ron said...


sset said...

Seems low pressure has fizzled out? Very disappointing to miss TN rains. IMD - chennai says "no warning"? or things will be better?

Rajesh said...

sset: Which low...BB-14 has fizzled out on 5th November as mentioned in vagaries post of date.

Vinod Desai said...

Congratulations to all of vagaries team.. This is indeed awesome..

sset said...

sorry I meant trough - lots of expectations for TN but ...NE monsoon is turning out to be weak ....

 Resultant rains in Chattisgarh 👇