Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 South India Super Excess... 🌧

Compilation by Vag. GSB


sset said...

Thanks to Rajesh sir and vagaries team for focus on nem. Elusive nem is always on failure side in recent years due to dominating sem. This year is better rains for se india.

Last few years Maharashtra has been receiving rains all 12 months. No proper sun shine. Now bay nem is feeding as back to deadly mumbai rains

Saurabh said...

3rd in a row NEM is surplus.

"always on failure side in recent years" is not based on reality.

NilaY Wankawala said...

South India Super Excess figures...GSB sir Thanks a ton for tabulating data presented in your unique style ----

Saurabh said...

I should have been more explicit. Last 3 years, TN has received surplus rains.

sset said...

24 hrs navi mumbai rain. Cold windy just like peak swm july. In few years unseasonal rains will become seasonal.

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