Thursday, August 26, 2021

 Posted 26th August  afternoon:                 

 Mumbai/Pune /Aurangabad/ Kokan Water Storage                                                                (Snippets) ➡➡🠆🠆➡➡ ➡➡

Mumbai/Pune: 24th Published Forecast maintained of low rainfall 


Karan Kumbhar said...

After almost a week, heavy passing showers in eastern side of Pune.

Had been completely dry before this.

NilaY Wankawala said...

nice comparative data for lake storage in the snippets-This monsoon turning out to be a really tough one after 2009-

Temperatures on 13th ... Mumbai Colaba 33°- 21° Santacruz  34°- 20° Pune  29°- 17° Delhi 18.5°-9.6°