Friday, June 26, 2020

See Weather Knowledge Page Updated

Posted Friday 26th : 1 pm IST:

The Monsoon axis remains in the Northern regions of India, thus pushing the South West Monsoon into most regions barring the extreme Western parts of India.

In spite of these Break Conditions, Thunder Cell activity with CumuloNimbus build up was seen locally, not as a widespread system, in parts of South Madhya Maharashtra and Northern Marathawada, with Solapur recording 41 mms of rain. 
Southwards, the "pop up" brought rains in Interior Karnataka, with Bangalore A.P. receiving 79 mms and City 40 mms.

These thunder Storms occurred as a result of localised heating causing  a slight dis-organisation of winds in the Western Peninsula (See map above) and helped by an upper air trough at 700 hp levels  ( in Central Peninsula) . This can happen in break Monsoon conditions due to excess localised heating and  rising thermals supported by trough Divergence if any.

We see thunder showers in patches in Marathwada for next 2 days. Thunder shower with extreme lightning possible. Next 4 days , moderate medium rains in Marathwada. 
Aurangabad District will get some showers with medium intensity next 3 days (around 15-20 mms in areas of rain per day). Will help drain out the fields of water from heavy showers.

Friday 26th/Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th:
Mumbai: Weekend will be partly cloudy with few heavy showers in parts of city..rainfall gradually increasing from Monday

Pune: Chance of a thunder shower in some parts of city on Friday. Weather will be partly cloudy with light showers in parts on Saturday and Sunday.

Goa; Showers in Goa this weekend on 15-20 mms daily basis. No increase till Wednesday in intensity.


Animish said...

Heavy rains in Andheri East Mumbai

Sarfaraj khan said...

I stay andheri east sakinaka, there is no rain..also this time monsoon is disaster for mumbai.... I hope july will fulfil june deficit...

Sarfaraj khan said...
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Rawat said...

Sir I want to know you views on Monsoon advance over NW india. Weather is dry, whichever rain is from Wd/ localised weather. Westerlies are gusting upto 50km/h, dust storms in rajasthan and hazy sky in north west .Delhi airport itself and other NW stations are recording max well above 40°c .how can monsoon cover entire India?

Deepak said...

Rajesh sir what about July rain for Mumbai

Deepak said...

Rajesh sir any further updates on Mumbai rain

sset said...

Navi Mumbai very heavy rains entire night. Vagaries forecast was on spot for increase in rains from Sunday.

I don't feel SWM 2020 is bad - infact it is the way this should have been. Reason being in past 5-10 years SWM always used to favor MAHA,GUJ,RAJ,Central India with excess rains - as Bay lows navigate path from east to west + AS systems favor MAHA,GUJ,RAJ. NE states were left in deficit.
But SWM 2020 seems to be bit unique, systems are favoring NE states, foothills of Himalaya triggering break monsoon period. This is good for drought impact SE India (AP + TN) which gets thunders. But things may change soon.

Sarfaraj khan said...

Lowest rainfall in june for mumbai when compared with last 5 years

Aks said...

Some person constantly blabbering about maha guj raj numbers of swm... such fake news and views spreader should be debarred. Swm until today is way below expectations for north Konkan, guj and raj... hope we see a bountiful July and August and September for Mumbai, north Konkan, south Gujarat and rest Gujarat belt. Desperate turnaround required now

  23rd Morning: