Sunday, February 12, 2017

Posted Wednesday 15th February Night:
Hottest in Asia: Mangalore shot up to 38.7c on Wednesday 15th Feb..(Hottest February ever). Verifying to see if it hottest for any month...will put in comments tomorrow.

Rajkot was 37.7c and Surat 37c. Bhuj 37.5c.
Kerala too hot on 15th: Alapuzha 37.5c, Kottayam 37.2c, Kozhikode 37.2c and Kochi 36.9c.
Mumbai was hot on Wednesday 15th: Colaba 36.9c and Scruz 37.2c !! Will remain hot in Mumbai for 3 more days.Nights will also get warmer.

Posted Sunday 12th Night...
Gujarat and Maharashtra Coastal Region Expected to heat up next week:

Surat will shoot up to 37/38c levels by 14th Tuesday and could reach 40c by 17th Friday...maybe first 40c in India this season.
Ahmadabad: The temperature in the day here today 12th was 29.6c as the maximum. The days are expected to get hotter from 13th Monday, as the day temperature will rise to 33con Monday and 35c by Tuesday. Hotter on 15th Wednesday.
Baroda could reach 39c by weekend.
Temperatures in rest of Gujarat also expected to rise from Monday, with Rajkot possibly touching 35c by Tuesday. 

Mumbai: The day temperature on Sunday 12th was 31.2c....Day temperatures will start to rise from Monday 13th February...Monday will be about 33c and could reach 36c by Wednesday.

Gravity waves formed in the south Atlantic Ocean in 2017.

A Cut in the Clouds

Like a ship carving its way through the sea, the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands parted the clouds. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this natural-color image on February 2, 2017. The ripples in the clouds are known as gravity waves.

Courtesy NASA Earth Observatory


Shreyas Dhavale said...

Rajesh Sir, is it possible to have the meet on Sunday 19th February? I am very keen to meet the Vagarians but 18th Feb looks difficult as I have full day college and its a working Saturday.

Shreyas Dhavale said...

Rajesh Sir, is it possible to arrange the meet on Sunday 19th February? I am very keen to meet the Vagarians but 18th Feb looks difficult as I have full day college and its a working Saturday.

Abhijit Modak said...

@ Shreyas: We are sorry to say but 18th is only fixed date for meet as it is decided after majority of members were feasible and agreed with date !!

Please you try to attend it if possible by adjusting your busy schedule.. We all will be glad to meet you personally. Many new faces are going to come for first time so already excited for this meet. :)

Rajesh said...

Posted Monday Night:
Days in Gujarat and Mumbai getting warmer as estimated: On Monday, Mumbai 33.7c, Surat 34.2c, Ahmadabad 30.2c.Baroda 32.8c.Rajkot 31.5c.

NilaY Wankawala said...

Credit Australian government Bureau of meteorology.

Latest ENSO Wrap-Up issued 14 February 2017

The latest ENSO Wrap-Up and Climate Model Summary are now available on the Bureau's website.
El Niño or ENSO-neutral likely for 2017

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) remains neutral, with virtually all indicators close to their average values. In recent weeks, the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean has shown surface warming, and climate models suggest this warming is likely to continue during the southern autumn. Below the surface, western Pacific temperatures are up to 5 °C warmer than at the same time last year, indicating La Niña-like conditions are unlikely in 2017.

At this is the time of year, when ENSO and climate models have greatest variability, some caution must be taken when using recent conditions, such as central Pacific warming, to determine likely conditions in winter. Hence either neutral or El Niño are considered the most likely ENSO state for the southern winter and spring.

El Niño is often associated with below-average rainfall during the second half of the year across large parts of southern and inland eastern Australia. Daytime temperatures also tend to be above average over southern Australia.

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is typically too weak to have a significant influence on the Australian climate from December to April. Model outlooks indicate a neutral IOD is likely through late autumn and early winter.

Next update expected on 28 February 2017

Karan Kumbhar said...

Is there any contest like last year for seeing which station breaches 40° C mark first ?

Abhijit Modak said...

@ Nilay: Thought you would make for meet but seems you too busy !!

NilaY Wankawala said...

Hey abhijit so nice and lovely to make me count. Didnt confirm my prsence as was not sure whether absence needed to be confirm here. Sorry guys.Unfortunately this is the third straight attempt will be unable to make it. Rajesh sir please pardon my absence you always been kind and gentle enough to invite me everytime. Eager to meet all of you too but some how missing due to one or the other reason. So sorry will be missing all of you at vagaries in person that day.

Neeraj said...

first 40 c of 2017 in the subcontinent does not seem too far away it seems. here in my place to, its warmer than usual - has been so for the past 20-25 days.

Shreyas Dhavale said...

Rajesh Sir, could you let me know the exact Venue and time of the Vagarians' meet? Will try to come if possible (Sorry for asking as I forgot the name of the place)

sset said...

It is always normal for Mumbai temperatures to increase during Feb-March but during normal summer months it decreases.
What about southern India - 2016 SWM/NEM failed horribly over entire southern India and 2016 temperatures broke all records over southern India. How will 2017 be?

Abhijit Modak said...

@ Shreyas, We would be glad if you can make for meeting..

Venue for coming Saturday meet 18 February is China Bistro Restaurant.
Time: 12 - 12.30pm sharp
Address: Prajapati Bhavan, R K Vaidya Rd, Dadar West, Shivaji Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028, India

How to Reach through Google Map foolwing is an address link :,72.8378884,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x85ea089fc2cecb2d!8m2!3d19.0250607!4d72.8400771?hl=en

Abhijit Modak said...
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Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...