Sunday, August 09, 2015

Next 3 days Weather ( Monday 10th/Tuesday 11th/Wednesday 12th)

As mentioned in Post on 2nd August, a Low can form in the Bay off the Odisha Coast around 12th August...

Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday: Mumbai: ....Partly cloudy skies. Passing showers seen in the recent days will continue with intermittent sunshine. Around 5-10 mms per day.

Pune: Next 3 days will be partly cloudy with light drizzles in parts of city. Not much change. Cool nights around 21c.

Delhi NCR: The region got thunder showers, heavier than estimated. Average around 30 mms till Sunday Morning and much more on Sunday. In fact, Palam measured 100 mms in last 12 hrs, and 141 mms in 36 hrs !

Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday: Passing and regional thunder showers, like last 2 days, will continue in Delhi NCR. May get around 15 mms per day. 

Next 3 days, Almost dry weather for entire Gujarat , Madhya Maharastra, Marathwada and Gangetic West Bengal, West Rajasthan and Southern TN.

Last 24 hrs ended Sunday, there were
Heavy rains in HIMACHAL PRADESH: (In cms)



vikas hunk gay said...

any chances of heavy rain in West Madhya Pradesh>??? ujjain and indore??

Rajesh said...

vikas: The Bhopal-Indore-Ujjain region will get some heavy showers on Monday 11th...rain decreasing sharply on Tuesday and almost clear on Wednesday

vikas hunk gay said...

monday is 10th

Rajesh said...

Yes. Monday 10th..

Anand said...

any chances for rain in kolkata. no rain since 10 days. will this low bb4 move into west bengal

Anand said...

any chances of rain in kolkata in next few days

Unknown said...

Is there any chance of littel rain at costal saurashtra sir?

sset said...

Again heavy rains for RAJ Kota- 110mm even when whole country is in break state!!! GUJ/RAJ/MP are stars for 2015 SWM.

Today in Telugu Enadu channel - acute drought in Rayalseema (Cuddaph,Anantapur,Chittor) and also central AP - scenario is so frightening soon mass exodus of people from these places may happen - entire farming is history now - due to 4 -5 years of continuous drought... soon even people to visit Tirumala Tirupathi will be restricted - GODS own place has no water !!!

sset said...

Thanks Rajesh Sir and Rohit... RAJ / TN comparison will again add fire to fuel about "SE India NEM failures" Every year Rohitji publishes diagrams quite well..Tuticorn remains driest place with just 2 mm of rain since june.

SVT said...

whats the forecast for Galle, Srilanka for next 5 days?

sset said...

Usually start of SWM -> rains just brush through Sri Lanka west coast move to KERALA and in 10 days monsoon axis moves to central India... till November Sri Lanka will hardly receive any good rains as monsoon axis is on top. After November if NEM is favorable Sri Lanka will receive normal - good rains till Feb... else except last year Sri Lanka suffered continuous droughts similar to Tamil Nadu.

Unknown said...

@sset it seems you are obsessed with the NEM failures- so maybe you should join other forums which focus on NEM and keep whining and complaining there. Rajesh is bringing in some fantastic analysis of the SWM and you keep blaberring all the time about irrevelevant topics only about South India. Please learn to appreciate the Vagaries of Weather as this blog is aptly called, else one day soon you may complain that it snows only in the Himalayas and not in interior Karnataka !!!!

Rajesh said...

Anand: Seeing a isolated thunder shower in parts of Kolkata on Wednesday and Thursday..

svt: Galle ...i am not an expert in that region forecast..but, i judge a few showers (passing type) next 5 days. But rain around 7-10 mms in 24 hrs, so showers may not persist. But days are very humid at 31c.

Jivata: Almost dry for Saurahtra as mentioned till Wednesday..but will put up next few days estimate on Thursday.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...