Thursday, February 12, 2015

Two photographs taken by astronauts—one in daylight and one at night—show the peninsula of southern India.

The night image, taken recently from the International Space Station (ISS), shows with clarity and surprising detail the human geography of cities of different sizes, such as Kochi and Coimbatore, and the highways that connect cities. The almost unpopulated hilly escarpment, known as the southern Ghats, is a dark zone parallel to the coast. A patch of clouds are illuminated by a nearly-full moon.

The daylight panorama was taken by the crew of the Gemini 11 spacecraft and shows coastlines and land surface color, but no details of human geography. This classic view was taken on an early space flight at a similar altitude to that of the ISS. Patterns of bright white cloud cover much of the land surfaces of India and Sri Lanka.


Rawat said...

Sir, why srinagar is recoding high max temp . Jan avg was 11℃ and feb is no different as well. Yesterday max was 15℃ ,6℃ above normal.

Rajesh said...

anoop: Yes, the Srinagar is showing very high temps this year. As you know, vagaries mentioned the first snowfall also was as late as 1st Feb..meaning Dec and Jan was almost dry. The temps rose as a result. See the chart diagrams showing your point of view....put up in blog .

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...