Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Check Stats and Analysis Page

Graphical Analysis of June Rainfall compiled by Rohit Aroskar..on Stats and Analysis Page

MONSOON REPORT (16-6-2013 TO 30-6-2013)..compiled by GSB on Stats and Analysis Page
Heavy rains on 6th,7th and 8th around Uttarakhand, adjoining UP, Haryana, Punjab and NCR. SWM moving into Pak around 9th and Karachi by 12th


emkay said...

Wonderful!! BB5 on course to screw Mumbai during the last week of July when series of highest tides predicted

emkay said...

Wonderful!! BB5 on course to screw Mumbai during the last week of July when series of highest tides predicted

Rajesh said...

For Aurangabad Readers: Lokmat Times of 4th July..Page 5...vagaries' normal bi weekly weather report

Unknown said...

emkay it depends on where BB-5 makes its moves,interior Maharastra or MP.

emkay said...

Today get a break monsoon feeling in Mumbai - but then showers predicted by night today isnt it !!

Unknown said...

showers will gain intensity in mumbai by night into friday

Vinod Desai said...

Hope we get good showers this weekend in mumbai..seems like gujarat is getting good rains since yesterday..

Vinod Desai said...

Hope we get good showers this weekend in mumbai..seems like gujarat is getting good rains since yesterday..

Ron said...

@emkay..How are you so sure about the bb5 moving to Mumbai??

Abhijit Modak said...
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Abhijit Modak said...

Ahmadabad records 109mm rain till 5.30pm today for last 9hrs.

emkay said...

Ron, Mumbai doesn't require a direct hire from bb5. As it is forming deep in BoB strength will make west coast resonate

sset said...

South India interior desertification..Mysore,Mandya,Bellary,Bangalore,Chamrajnager,Rayalseema,parts of TN no rain....3rd in row for drought.

Interesting prediction by next 10years half of Bangalore population needs to be evicted... comments interesting..

Arpit Sharma said...

@sset plz provide the figures to prove your facts,its a humble request...Do you know whats going on in North India apart from Uttarakhand tragedy...Have u heard anything Haryana & NCR region? Obviously you must have heard that its raining a lot in North India but that's not correct...Hissar in Haryana is completely dry from the past 20 days,most parts of the National capital are dry from the past 20 days even after the monsoon onset...I have the figures with me.If u don't have the figures then plz don't post these irrelevant stories here...
Thank you

sset said...

Arpit - Pls IMD regional weather report (Chennai) -> observations -> cities -> will show information. Worst part major cities like BANG,MYS are built on places having worst of rains. Pattern is repeated for past 3 years- monsoon currents do not reach these places (probability of failure is high) and most of my relatives are staying in these places.

Arpit Sharma said...

@asset these are the rainfall figures have a look and reply

And these regions are getting good rain after 3rd also...waiting for your answer...

Arpit Sharma said...

@sset sry for the typo error above

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...