Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Anantpur Skirting Blog Poll Target.
With the Southern Peninsula taking the "Heat" lead, the entire Indian region was under an above normally hot day on 23rd. February. The IMD map shows this, with the Southern region almost undergoing a February "Heat Wave" !!

And, the day temperature map shows the mid and hight30s barge into Gujarat and M.P. Now, Rajasthan and U.P.have moved in the above 25c range, and the states North of them in the low 20s.

At this rate, I may have to close my blog poll earlier than anticipated. I normally expect the first 40c around the 10th. Of March. But with Anantpur, teasing at 39.4c today (23rd.), the target is almost touched, and it may be a matter of a day or two before this unexpected city reaches 40c. Leaving the other candidates behind . The closest today was Solapur at 36.5.
Anantpur is so consistent in keeping up with its hot temperature ( for Anantpur 34c is normal for this day), that it maintains the 4th. day running as the hottest city in Asia.

Where was the W.D, mentioned in this blog earlier, that was supposed to have pushed down the 30c line Southwards ??
Well, the W.D. did come, and it rained in the North on 22/23rd. The 24hrs. (NRL) rainfall map of 23rd. shows the Northern region get some rain last 24hrs. Rajashtan too got rain on Tuesday.

The effect of this could be felt from Wednessday onwards. With yet another W.D. in the waiting, rains are expected in the Western Himalayas, and the North-Western regions of India from Thursday again. Weekend can witness heavy rains/snow in the Northand fairly good rains in the North-Western regions.
Hopefully, these systems will bring down the day temperatures by tomorrow, and within a couple of days push away the prospect of an early 40c in the Southern peninsula.
But, on the arrival of W.Ds, the night temperatures will continue to remain high due to cloud cover and moisture.

Mumbai suburbs got some showers on Tuesday, due to an upper air low, associated with the previous W.D. Mumbai will see a small drop in night temperatures, going down to 19/20c, and likely to remain pleasant for the next couple of days.

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