Saturday, February 17, 2018

World Snippets of Current winter;

Moscow's 2017 December was its 'darkest' on record
December set the record for the least amount of sunshine seen in Moscow, Russian weather experts say.
"The sun didn't come out even once for the entire month," said the weather website Meteonovosti.
According to Russia's main weather centre, the sun did shine for six minutes. But normally Muscovites get dozens of hours of December sunshine.

Morocco: A rare snowfall for second time this winter

Giant hail fell Thursday in Argentina. (Victoria Druetta)
The hail started around 4:30 in the afternoon in Cordoba, Argentina. At first, it was “tiny and fun,” but then it changed. Hailstones larger than tennis balls began to fall from the sky, eventually growing to mammoth size.
Victoria Druetta hurriedly snagged one giant stone that fell in her neighbourhood of Carlos Paz, snapped a photo of it and placed it in her freezer.
“The hail lasted 20 minutes. It was kind of scary,” Druetta recalled. “It hit and then exploded and then melted some. It was probably even bigger.”

The stone looks to be up to 18 centimetres in diameter — 7.1 inches — at its largest width, which could be a record for the Southern Hemisphere. The stone’s unusual size made it difficult to measure because of its bumpy surface and because it melted a bit before Druetta put it down on a tape measure.

Colder winters, warmer springs. Perhaps we should call it Climate Displacement….!
Record 2018 snowfall continues increasing snowfall trends....excerpts from Larry Hamlin essay.
The record snowfalls of 2018 that are sweeping across the Northern Hemisphere and continuing the growth trend in winter snowfall levels 
NOAA Northern Hemisphere snowfall recorded levels in the last 10 or more years show increasing trends in winter snowfall over the prior such period in both North America and Eurasia with 2018 snowfall records likely further adding to these trends.

These real world snowfall level trends suggests that climate models are both unreliable and inadequate for representing global climate 

“Future widespread reductions of SCE (Snow Cover Extent), particularly in spring, are simulated by the CMIP3 models (Roesch, 2006; Brown and Mote, 2009) and confirmed by the CMIP5 ensemble (Brutel-Vuilmet et al., 2013).”

Note that the phrase “Future widespread reductions, particularly in spring” clearly suggests snowfall trend declines in other seasonal periods with those being fall and winter.

“The chart in the post covers the ENTIRE winter that shows an increase over all.”
and the spring chart shows the entire spring. The winter chart shows an increase of around 1 million square km, over 50 years, the spring one shows a drop of around 3 million square km over the same period.


Vinod Desai said...

Just saw this article

Rajesh Kumar said...


Unknown said...

Hi Rajesh, is there any rain expected in North Gujarat or other regions there ?


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  Posted 18th Afternoon: Mumbai : Much hear say about rains increasing, cyclones coming in end of September ! Vagaries ' outlook for  18...