Thursday, January 04, 2007

Four days into 2007,and the weather has changed in North India.Cold temperatures have been recorded in all the Northern states since the begining of the year.The lowest temperatures in the last few days were: -9°c Phalgam,Kashmir.-5.6° Kalpa,H.P. -1°c Amritsar,Punjab.1.9°c Churu,Rajasthan. 3.9°c Delhi. 4°c Allahbad,U.P.(None of these are records).

In Pakistan too,the temperatures were low,with -0°c at Islamabad.1°c at Lahore.0°c at Nokkundi.

However,down South,the temperatures have not dropped much.In the last few days,the lowest in Maharashtra was 9°c at Jalgaon,and in Gujarat it was 10°c at Deesa.These states are still to feel the effect of winter.

The next W.D. approaching N.India from 6th.Jan. will see a rise in temperatures,but with some precipitation in the hills,only to see a fall again from 9th.A renewed cold spell is expected in the North from the 9th.,this time maybe spreading southwards into Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Soemthing of context:the coldest palce in the world yesterday was,probably,Ojmjakon (Russia),at -53°c !

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