Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Feeling hot, hotter and hotter !!! Thats the weather in almost all the regions of India. After an unusually mild winter, summer has made a sizzling begining all over the sub continent. Due to the continuous passages of W.D.'s in the far northern areas, the wind patterns have set over the plains blowing hot winds without the cooling effects normally picked up from the snowy hills. The streamline map from IMD of the 3rd. clearly shows the wind flow.

The summer season in the Indian region is officially stated to start from the 1st. of March upto the arrival and commencment of the monsoon in the various states. From the 1st. day of the summer season, the day temperatures have been 6-8c above normal. With exceptions like Jaipur, at 37.7c on the 3rd.which is +9c ! The map shows the central regions heating up to 40c in cities of Maharashtra, with Akola at 41c today. Delhi was +5c today at 35c.

Mumbai in fact has been hot and above normal since the middle of February. And since March, the days in the suburbs are at 37c and 35c in the city. The diagram of the last 30 days shows the red areas after mid-Feb.

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Posted 11th December Mumbai: The mysterious case of an isolated 13.7° on 9th ! Very difficult to explain this " out of turn " phen...