Friday, January 23, 2009

W.D's come and go, but the plains of India this year have not really experienced too much of any 'cold wave" or severe "cold spell". True, temperatures have been around normal for most of Jan. but the real severe winter has been absent. In the IMD map of day temperature , the major part of the country, in the above 30c range. The northern areas is also high at around 25c range. But the west coast is the warmest !

Now for some exteremes ! Mumbai again ! The highest day tempereture in Mumbai Colaba on 23rd. was 36.3c and Santa Cruz was 36.4c. This was the The highest temperature in Asia today along with Ratnagiri, also at 36c.( Maybe highest even in the entire northern hemisphere). The IMD streamline map shows the reason for the high heat. The strong off-shore east winds blowing into the region.

Mumbaites and all of Maharashtra will have to "forego" a winter this year ! Look at the diagram of the Pune (Maharashtra) temperatures of the last 30 days. It speaks for itself !

Only hope now is the approaching W.D. Expected to precipitate rain in the northern hills on 24th./25th., one can hope for some drop in temperatures in the central and western regions from the 26th. (Hope I am not wrong this time).

An approaching easterly wave is expected to bring some rather heavy rain to T.N. and the interiors of the state and Kerala on the 25th./26th.

Meanwhile, the ITCZ is firmly "jammed " in the southern hemisphere now. With 2/3 cyclone firmly embedded in it, it is producing good rains along the Australian coasts and the southern coast of Africa, near Mozambique.

Europe, that is the continent region, is again due for another battering. A deep area of low pressure currently out in the Atlantic is moving east into the southern Bay of Biscay where it is expected to deepen further before hitting northern Spain and southwest France early this weekend. Severe gale force winds with force gusts are expected across northern and northwestern Spain late on Friday and into Saturday. Heavy rain will accompany the winds with snow falling across the Cantabrian Mountains and the Pyrenees.The storm is then set to track quickly eastwards across southern France and into northern Italy, where it is expected produce further strong winds and some very heavy snowfall over the Alps. Wow ! another extreme !

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Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...