Saturday, March 26, 2016

Unusual Heating of Bangalore..see daigram of Last 30 days..
Max temps...India 25th March


Unknown said...

Thanks for the data on bangalore. Yes! We are in the midst of a severe heat wave. For last 10 days, max temp over 35 C. Of which 3 days reached 36.

sset said...

This was expected. When entire Rayalseema(Anantapur 43+c) is under heat wave it is natural for Bangalore which is very short distance from Rayalseema to heat up. Bangalore has lost all huge heritage trees (Banyan,peepal..), all old lakes have been drained for concrete real estate, BBMP has not planted even a single sapling for last 3 years, BMRCL is only interested in chopping few remaining exiting trees for never ending metro.. at then end very nature will reverse back..

NilaY Wankawala said...

Credit Australian government Bureau of meteorology.

Latest ENSO Wrap-Up issued 29 March 2016

The latest ENSO Wrap-Up and Climate Model Summary are now available on the Bureau's website.

Tropical Pacific Ocean continues towards ENSO-neutral

The decline of the 2015–16 El Niño continues in the tropical Pacific.

Temperatures below the ocean surface have cooled steadily, with only the top 50 metres more than +1 °C warmer than normal. It is likely this is the coolest this top layer of ocean has been since January 2015. Atmospheric indicators reflect such changes in the ocean. For instance, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) has returned to weak El Niño levels.

However, some indicators, such as cloudiness near the Date Line, have been slower to respond and still show a clear El Niño signal.

International climate models suggest El Niño will continue to weaken during the southern autumn, returning to neutral levels by mid-2016. For winter and spring, climate models suggest neutral and La Niña are equally likely. However, the accuracy of forecasts made at this time of year is lower than those at other times, and therefore some caution should be exercised.

Although the 2015–16 El Niño is weakening, it will continue to influence climate during the southern hemisphere autumn. In Australia, the breakdown of strong El Niño events has historically brought average to above-average rainfall to many locations. However, northern Australia typically sees less rainfall than average.

Australia's climate is also being influenced by very warm temperatures in the Indian Ocean. The warmth in the Indian Ocean may provide extra moisture for rain systems as they cross Australia during the southern autumn.

Narayanan chennai said...

I feel it is a temporary phenomenon weather will change to typical Bangalore by April 15th when evening storms will start to make presence felt

Unknown said...

Better day in bangalore. Max at 34.4.

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