Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The W.D. has left Iran causing much damage and snow. Quoting BBC, "The heaviest snowfall in more than a decade has blanketed parts of Iran over the last few days, killing more than 20 people, with many more still missing. The snow caused a number of avalanches, with the build up of ice on the roads causing numerous traffic accidents. "
As per Jim's report in his blog, low temperatures have been the marked features of this system.
The max. temperature in Tehran yesterday was -4c and min. -11c.

Today the "monster storm", in Jim's words, has unleashed itself over Pakistan. Some heavy rain/snow figures of Pakistan today were:
Pattan=64, Chitral=56, Drosh=49, Balakot=45, Malamjaba=40, Muzaffarabad=38, Murree=38, Garidupata=37, Saidusharif=36. Days were exceptionally cold with Faisalabad at 14c as the day temperature, low for the region.

Tomorrow, Wednessday, the storm will be over north and north-west India. Subsequently, after 2 days, the skies will clear, and the temperatures will drop.

But, another W.D. is on its way. By Friday/Saturday, it will have affected the U.A.E. and Oman. The system is more south clinging, and is likely to run along the Sindh coast eastwards.
North India should be in the range by Sunday/Monday.

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