Saturday, September 24, 2016

Posted Saturday Night:

BB-13 persists over Telengana/Vidharbh. Expected to remain in region next 2 days. Heavy rains continue in parts of Telengana and Vidharbh. Hyderabad next 2 days : Some heavy showers.

Mumbai sees a sharp reduction in rains....Sunday thru Tuesday will be partly cloudy with sunny periods. 4/5 passing showers in parts of city. Major decrease in rains from Monday.

Sunday thru Tuesday:Light rains (upto 5 mms) occurring along South Gujarat coast (Valsad and Surat).

Jaipur had a heavy "end of season" shower of 59 mms Friday night and Churu received 38 mms on Friday night.
As mentioned, South West Monsoon all set to withdraw from Saurashtra, North Gujarat and East Rajasthan by Monday 26th September.
Days will be over 40c in Rajasthan and Kutch.


Rajesh said...

sset: All contributors to articles and comments put in a lot of efforts and hard work to substantiate their views.
Recently i noticed that your comments on this blog are getting a bit repetitive. Our readers our clever enough to understand and appreciate a point commented upon on publishing. Once a point is conveyed, it is well understood.But i notice your points are getting pessimistic and "head hammering." Vagaries being a free blog, I dont want to filter or censor any comment (I have not deleted any so far), but, this being an international blog, it should not be one of conveying a particular message or leaning towards one side.
Finally, I would like readers to put in their comments with their names,and not any initials or pseudo names. Becomes difficult to have a one to one interaction without the real name.

Nilesh Ladhad said...

Thanks sir. Hope to have proper shower before October. Please forecast for Jammu and Katra for october's first 15 days.

Unknown said...

Today bikaner in morning was drizzling.but aftrnun hours peak 40 dgree.but night are pleasent so that people can sleep over roof

Unknown said...

Sir, when monsoon totally withdrawal from whole Gujarat? Means south gujarat

Unknown said...

Sir, when monsoon going to withdrawn from south Gujarat?

Dattaraj said...

Well.. As predicted by Rajesh Sir, Hyderabad got some heavy showers last night. Here people want rains to stop for now. Many areas still under water and without power.

Anonymous said...

When will the humidity reduce over Delhi-NCR? Persistent easterlies are blowing over the region! Typical cool, dry and gusty NW winds, which reduce humidity and which are the main reason behind the mornings and late evenings being cool in the north Indian plains, are missing! This is a first for me when even during late September high humidity levels are causing extreme discomfort! WHEN WILL the weather improve in the region?

Vijayanand said...

India Vs Newzeland Day 4: So far good weather. Hope this evening and tomorrow is also good weather. Frankly I know nothing about UP weather. Time to learn.

Anonymous said...

The weather in Kanpur is not that good as one might think. Its extremely humid out there with moist easterlies prevailing over the region. During late afternoon hours, thunderstorms might pop up. By this time, the monsoon should have withdrawn from the region, paving the way for cool and dry weather with strong surface winds blowing from the north west, thereby reducing the moisture content drastically.

Cumulus arjun said...

Sir, is the major and most of the rainfall of Mumbai over for this year or something still is left? Models predict more 100 mm left. Sir, what's your views?

Vijayanand said...

Thanks Ishan for the information.
Ok in which case kanpur would get a lot of its rains in late afternoon to night. Somewhat similar to bangalore . We get 80% of our rains after 2.00 pm in the afternoon.

Aks said...

Just want the monsoon for a last round over Gujarat ...

Avtansh said...

Vijayanand, that's an interesting analysis.
I wonder if rainfall data has ever been closely looked at from the perspective of distribution across the 24 hour cycle.

While Bangalore gets a lot of convective thunderstorms (given its altitude) and hence afternoon/evening rains, we have observes here in Mumbai/West Coast that offshore trough rain is most common in the late night / early morning hours. However, I don't know the meteorological reason behind it.

Nimish Thaker said...

Looks like dry weather is finally coming for Mumbai. Sun was out today and it felt nice. We have had a fantastic SWM in Mumbai, time to bid it good bye now.

Rajesh said...

Seems the SWM will withdraw from Saurashtra and North Gujarat by 26th September. By 30th Sept, it should withdraw fro rest of Gujarat, Haryana, Delhi and West MP.
Mumbai will have a Low rainfall week now, before the evening thunder showers from East start.

Narayanan chennai said...

In Chennai also during NEM the rains are late night and early morning happening from sea through stratiform clouds.Whereas during SWM rainfall is convective hence it happens from orographic lift from Tirupati hills through cumulonimbus clouds.

Posted 26th Night  Mumbai Santacruz   seasonal  rainfall crossed the 2000 mms mark on 26th...reaching 2003 mms. For your information:  Sant...